Showing posts with label Module 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Module 2. Show all posts


Managed to get through LA3 and 4 within a matter of days due to holiday lethargy. But on ly LA5 to go, and that ought ot be fine. Note to self: Remember to analyse yourself and your situation and discuss how to develop.


Finally, after several attempts, I managed to establish linking pages for my FC website. Spent roughly 5 hours altogether doing this. Following the instructions word for word appeared to work one day and fail the next, this was very frustrating.

Started LA1 yesterday - finally feeling fully prepared and enthused - and will finish that later. So far I think I've linked to the theory we were instructed to read but I may need to develop on my own successes and failures (if word count allows) even though this is covered in another LA.


Module 2 will be fully in motion as of tonight. I'm planning to evaluate the use of online communication methods so far. I also plan to produce an action plan which may tie in with LA5 of module 2 (or so I hope).


I've been really busy building up and developing my webspaces (Plone, FC, freeweb, LJ, blog) and am feeling better prepared for LAs of module 2 now. Suppose by doing the above I've been covering LA2 but it doesn't feel like I've done much theory.

Should be able to complete each LA within 3 hours having finished off all my spaces - thats the plan anyway! Roll on christmas eve (the best time to do work, who's in a bad mood on christmas eve?)